Sunday 18 March 2012

Hello Vietnam

Hi. My family and I went to Vietnam last school holiday for a family trip. It was absolutely awesome and we got to spend so much times with each other, something good for our family bond. Well, it was actually planned last year and I was in charged for the trip arrangement. Hihi. We went there on Monday and back to Malaysia on Friday. I should say that Vietnam is truly Asian. Superb for it's shopping's heaven, unique with thousand of motorcyclists with a few cars only on road. Something we couldn't see here in Malaysia. Vietnam is not very clean as the air pollution is high there but we do enjoy our trip there. The Vietnamese is kinda friendly but you have to beware as they used to cheat too. Vietnam used Dollar as it's main currency before but nowadays, they only accept dong for any business involved. Nothing much to say, I just can say that among the ASEAN countries, I do love Vietnam more. :)

Here's some not-so-good pictures I do have:

Vietnam's scenery

Shopping's heaven :)

Bro in Chu Chi tunnel



Enjoyable trip I must say. And ehem, I found someone handsome there, age 22 and tough though. Hihi. Gonna be there again, Insya Allah :)

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